Environmental project of Ría del Burgo regeneration
Contract: UTE O BURGO (ACCIONA & MAB public works).
Period: This project is under execution
Description: This project is about the regeneration of the bottom of Ria del Burgo in order to improve the water and bottom for the existing shell fishing activities in the area.
The working area is 1.533.025,52 m2 and the project is divided in 19 sectors, by bottom quality and by planned activities, besides 16255,16 m2 of the Ria entrance will be included for draft improvement.
TOTAL VOLUME: 583.337,04 m3
Part of the dredging volume will be pumped direct to geotubes
Other part will be used to regenerate the areas where toxic material will be extracted.
And a third part will be dumped in open sea in an authorized area.
Dragafon will collaborate with qualified and specialized manpower for the dredging activities